Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Preparations for Graduation and Eagle Ceremony Preparations for Graduation and Eagle Ceremony

Arrick our oldest son is to graduate June 13th. The robe is hung up and steamed of
creases. The cap fits. (He has a big head) The announcements were mailed a while ago and he has already received some wonderful cards from family and friends. He's excited and filled with some anxiety as I suspect many a graduate has experienced. He'll be fine. He will enroll in college in July and has lofty goals to achieve! Somehow we were a glutton for punishment and decided to have his Eagle Ceremony the day after graduation! Actually, his dad was at sea and it just worked out that way. He achieved the highest rank in February, the ceremony is just for fun! Those invites have been sent, the food will be ordered this weekend and the church has been reserved! It's much like a wedding reception...oh wait! There is a rehearsal as well! It'll be a lovely afternoon with family and friends! My dad and step mom are flying in from WA to spend the events with us. Many friends are invited to share this proud moment with us. Ian (our youngest son) will begin his final leg of the journy to Eagle this summer. Whew! He has his project all t hought out, he just needs to write it up for approval!
After all of the festive events, we'll head to DC for a few days to show Dad and Jane the sites. We'll be spending one of those days at the NRA museum. A Mecca for Dad and John! We will fly out Wednesday to spend four days in Charleston, SC! I'm sooo excited and in much need of a vacation! We always stay in old town Charleston so it's heaven to be able to walk a block over to the market, we're a block away from the water front and it's heaven! 6/4/08 by Kimichris

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