Indian River High School Forensics Team, Goes to State competition!!!!
Competition is held in Harrisonburg, Virginia! Road trip!!!!

Some of the country side on our way up to the northern central part of the Old Dominion!

We arrive and after a very hectic morning beginning at 7:30am, the finalists are announced!
Dylan Shean and Ian Birdwell make the final round!!! Much excitement and nervous tummies abound!
Seven team members had the honor of making it to state, five of the seven made it to the finals! Coach Shabazz was keeping his cool for the team. Inside, he was like a 5 year old on Christmas eve! lol
The finalists for Ian and Dylan's division. Domestic Extemporanious speaking. Each person is given a topic. They have 30 minutes to prepare, research from provided magazines to compile a speech. They must keep their speech within a 7 minute time frame. Too much time used...a pentalty. Too little time ....penalty. Ian and Dylan read newspapers, Time magazines, watched the news- all channels...all season to prepare for their competitions!

Other types of catagories were: Foreign Extemporanious, Story Telling, Poetry, Prose, Dramatic Speaking

Dylan and Ian prepare for the finals...

Ian and Dylan await their placement in the competition! Dylan took 2nd, Ian took 5th. Great job Ian for your first year in Forensics!!!
And then....the AAA Awards!!!! Indian River Swept the division to take FIRST PLACE in STATE!

It's a little blurry but not a bad picture since I was in the back WAY up top of the auditorium! An thrilled team who took out their rivals by a mile!

The team always looking to see ways to improve, review the judges comments about their performance! Many will go on to college to compete!

Dylan and Ian....this is a serious job! lolol

Dr. Shabazz addresses the team. He's so proud of them and their achievements and tells them so!

A final team picture before we head off to a celebration dinner and to collapse!
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